Groups - pictures that contain more than one Terris player or physical proof that they have friends other than other Terris players.    

Lourdes + girlfriend
/ Lourdes + girlfriend and her sister and Lourdes' nephew

Vegas 2003 Meet - a lot of people, its labeled.

Demonika, Neux, and Streen - mostly on the beach.

Furball and Suga - Furball is in front and Suga behind her.

Furball and Suga - another one

Mirloc and Veta - You can figure this one out, the woman in the middle is some lady that my brother made friends with in a bar in Seattle. Bad picture of me...

Coilyn and Brimbur - Coilyn on the right and Brimbur on the left.

Pennsylvania Renn Faire
- Can you guess this one?

Lisse and Frogstar - in Dallas, kind of old picture

She-ra and Selter - (in Dallas, sitting across from Lisse and Frogstar)

Roachmill, Berek, Eisenhertz, and Deori (in that order)

Syrr, Galaphile and Shelda - I think this was a Vegas meet in like 2001...

1999 Tennessee Meet - Matt (Kaellyn's ooc bro), Damsie, Semirage, She-ra, Rochelle, Halanthis, Kaellyn, Lonewolfe, Selter, Arcangelo, Lanthoric, Wynd, and Ahtnala (if anything here is mispelled, blame She-ra <duck!>)

Tennessee Meet 2003 - pic01 pic02 pic03 pic04 pic05 pic06

1999 at Nerak's House
- Veta, Nerak, Petree, Matt, and Kaellyn

1999 in Atlanta - Veta, Petree, a waitress that Petree had the hots for <duck!>, and Bagheera

NYC September 1998 - Ferlio, Najer, Monky2, Sylvanus, and Eisenhertz

NYC September 1998 - Monky2, Veta's backside, Ferlio, Sylvanus, Najer

NYC November 2002 - You gotta guess this one <eg>

Praetorian and Vegan - A picture of the them and their band

New Jersey 2003 - Just a whole bunch of weird people doing weird stuff.



Deltaforce's Old School Pictures:

Halloween 1998 in Portland Oregon-

one two three four

Las Vegas March 1999-

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twentyone twentytwo twentythree twentyfour twentyfive twentysix


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